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White luminous ring with embedded bronze guitar string on a white background.White luminous ring with embedded bronze guitar string on a white background.
Sarah McLachlan - Moonlight Guitar String RingsSarah McLachlan - Moonlight Guitar String Rings
White luminous ring with embedded bronze guitar string on a black background.White luminous ring with embedded bronze guitar string on a black background.
white guitar string ring laying on black backgroundwhite guitar string ring laying on black background
guitar string rings on model holding appleguitar string rings on model holding apple
guitar string rings on model with hands in lapguitar string rings on model with hands in lap
White luminous ring with embedded bronze guitar string on a white background.
White luminous ring with embedded bronze guitar string on a black background.
white guitar string ring laying on black background
guitar string rings on model holding apple
guitar string rings on model with hands in lap
White luminous ring with embedded bronze guitar string on a white background.
Sarah McLachlan - Moonlight Guitar String Rings
White luminous ring with embedded bronze guitar string on a black background.
white guitar string ring laying on black background
guitar string rings on model holding apple
guitar string rings on model with hands in lap
White luminous ring with embedded bronze guitar string on a white background.
White luminous ring with embedded bronze guitar string on a black background.
white guitar string ring laying on black background
guitar string rings on model holding apple
guitar string rings on model with hands in lap

Crafted from the finest white zirconia, this ring features strands of Sarah McLachlan's retired guitar strings, merging brilliance, strength, and musical artistry into a striking design. Choose between the wider design, with two guitar strings for a statement piece, or the narrower version, with a single string for a more delicate, minimalist style. Both options offer lasting beauty, exceptional durability, and a radiant, luminous finish, with the guitar strings serving as a personal tribute to Sarah McLachlan’s musical legacy.

A portion of the proceeds from the ring go to the Sarah McLachlan School of Music.

Sarah McLachlan is one of the most celebrated singer songwriters in entertainment with over 40 million albums sold worldwide. She has received three Grammy Awards and twelve Juno Awards over her career and has been inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame. In 2002 she founded her non-profit Sarah McLachlan School of Music, which provides high quality music education and mentorship free to children and youth facing various barriers to access.

Heartstrings’ eco-friendly promise delivers jewelry and packaging that transform end-of-life materials into beauty for even the most discerning.

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